Dental Instruments care and proper handling is very important. These instruments must be cleaned, lubricated, sterilized and inspected prior to each use. Medicure instruments have been thoroughly inspected for quality and carefully packaged to arrive at your facility in optimal condition.

However, due to the delicate nature of instruments and the critical nature of their uses, you will want to ensure that your instruments are in the same optimal condition when preparing for use. Instruments can become damaged or lose functionality in shipping, receiving, maintenance, storage and sterile processing.

Please see the critical processing and inspection steps under care and handling. The instruments should only be used for the purpose and in the manner for which they are designed. Medicure cannot be responsible for damages resulting from improper use.

Critical Care, Handling ,Processing & Inspection

  • Decontamination of instruments.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning after every use.
  • Check screws and pins on instruments. The vibration of ultrasonic cleaning may cause screws or pins to work loose or fall out.
  • Hand wash delicate instruments in a neutral 7.0 to 8.5 PH solution.
  • Lubricate all instruments in a water-soluble, antimicrobial lubricant after every cleaning process. (Ultrasonic cleaners remove all lubrication from an instrument.) Only lubricate dry instruments
  • Critical inspection – This inspection should verify that the instrument has been fully cleaned and operates properly, action should be smooth, not stiff or sticking. All parts should be secure (screws should not move when operating).
  • Autoclave, steam or ETO. (ETO sterilizes delicate instruments to increase life.)
  • Visual and mechanical inspection of the instruments. To facilitate this process, items should be tagged in the O.R. at the time a problem is identify ed.


These devices are designed for use by appropriately trained, qualified and competent personnel.
When reprocessing medical devices always follow local Health & Safety procedures.
Always follow instructions and warnings as issued by manufacturers of any decontaminants, disinfectants and cleaning agents used.
Avoid the use of mineral acids and harsh, abrasive agents.
No part of the process is to exceed 140°C.
Some sensitive materials can be damaged by higher alkaline solutions (pH >10).
The use of the device for tasks other than those for which they are intended may result in failure or damage/breakage.
Correct cleaning, handling and sterilization will ensure that the device performs as intended and extend its useful life.
Instruments manufactured from different metals should be processed separately to avoid electrolytic action between the different metals.
Wear appropriate protective gloves, eyewear and clothing when handling biologically contaminated devices.
Manual cleaning is not advised if an automatic washer/disinfector is available.

Cleaning Precautions

  • Avoid mechanical damage during transportation to the process area.
  • Transport to the processing area as soon as possible.
  • Do not soak instruments in hot water, alcohol, disinfectants or antiseptics to avoid coagulation of mucus, blood or other body fluids.
  • Do not use steel wool, wire brushes, pipe cleaners or other abrasive cleaners.
  • Only specifically formulated cleaning agents (detergents). Enzymatic agents with both bacterial and fungicidal properties are preferred for manual cleaning

Storage Before Use

The shelf life is dependent on the sterile barrier employed, storage, environmental and handling conditions. A maximum shelf life for sterilized medical devices before use should be defined by the healthcare facility.


We confirm the raw materials and finished dental instruments supplied by Medicure Instruments  comply with all relevant national/international standards.The instruments are in compliance with the EU Medical Device Directive as demonstrated by the CE logo either on the device and/or on its packaging.

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